Read the latest SEND news stories here:
Online bitesize workshops for parents - Early Years transitions to school
Online bitesize workshops for parents - Early Years transitions to school Session One - A developing Early Years curriculum: Thursday 4th July 2024 – 18:00 – 19:00 Microsoft Teams Link: Join the meeting…
Suspension and Exclusions from a place of learning
In this short video, our Senior Advisor, Leah, gives an overview of a Governor's meeting following a suspension or exclusion from a place of learning. https://youtu. be/XsQ4PBik6Ic? si=J7lZaoE_8ec9B3nL

Ofsted Big Listen
The Big Listen is an opportunity for Ofsted to hear from professionals, parents, carers, children and learners.

Mediation and Dispute Resolution Article
The idea of mediation is that is creates a safe space to discuss a situation.