Read the latest SEND news stories here:

Norfolk SEND Survey
How can we know if children and young people in Norfolk are living happy and healthy lives?
What information do you think Norfolk County Council and health teams should know about what life is like for young people who live here?

How can SENDIASS help?
Our advisor, Leah talking about the role of an advisor and how SENDIASS can help parents/carers and young people. https://youtu. be/sRF8eXh0eUQ

SEND Area Ofsted re-visit 28th-30th November 2022 -Have your say survey link now live.
Back in March 2020 Norfolk Local Authority and Health Services were visited by Ofsted/CQC inspectors to review how effectively they were fulfilling their responsibilities towards children and young people with…

SEND Norfolk participation event for children and young people
Norfolk SEND Local Offer are running a participation event over 2 dates, with pizza lunch for children and young people with SEND to help design the next SEND survey.
Kings Lynn Information and support day
We will be attending the Kings Lynn Information and Support day on Thursday 3rd November. Come along and chat with us and other national charities.