Read the latest SEND news stories here:

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Phase transfer

Have you received your final EHCP following phase transfer?


Who needs an EHCP?

Here is a short video of Leah, Senior SENDIASS Advisor, talking about who needs an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Who needs an EHCP video

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Part of our role as a SENDIASS is to signpost parent/carers, children and young people to other services that may be able to offer some support and information.

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We have now launched for September 2023 our new look e-newsletter, SENDIASS Scoop!

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Norfolk County Council SEND and Inclusion Team are looking to hear from parents/carers about what they feel would make school more inclusive, welcoming and safe for children and young people…

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Norfolk SEND Survey

We’re calling on children with SEND, their families and the professionals who work with them to get involved with the Norfolk SEND survey.
Last year 1,203 people responded giving us lots of valuable information about your experiences and what matters to you most. Please help us again this year. We’re particularly keen to hear from more children and young people.

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