Read the latest SEND news stories here:

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Advice Clinic's and Training Survey

Norfolk SEND Partnership currently offers training across Norfolk and monthly face to face appointments providing the opportunity to bring along paperwork and discuss any concerns face to face.

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Family Voice Family Chat

Are you the parent of a child or young person with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)?

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SEND e-learning

The Local Offer has produced some SEND e-learning. This course gives a foundation and understanding of SEND for children and young people age 0-25. . . SEND e-learning course


Timpson Review of School Exclusion May 2019

In March 2018, Edward Timpson was commissioned to review school exclusion by the Secretary of State for Education, the Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP.


Animated Resources by the CDC

Check out these useful resources created by the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) on  What is an EHCP? What is an Annual review of an EHCP?

ASD helping hands

Sleep Well, Live Well - For parents and carers

Are you and your children struggling to get a good night’s sleep?

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