Our monthly on-line meeting, held on 21st June had six members attend with a number of apologies. 

It has been a busy month for the Forum, as the weekend before was the much-anticipated SENDFEST, held at Easton College.  Over a year earlier our members were consulted about this proposal and asked what they felt should be offered on the day; how lovely that those who  attended the event  saw their ideas become a reality, and were able to access those activities which included live music, workshops (D-J, beat-boxing, drumming), and a miniature railway to name just a few.  They had suggested a baby tiger which was not on offer, although we all loved the miniature donkeys!

On the day, two of our members helped run the Norfolk SEND Youth Forum stall, to promote the group, whilst the rest took part in so many of the opportunities available.  The highlight was one member joining Peter Andre on stage and showcasing his moves!!!  Feedback from the event was positive, enthusiastic and we are all keen for SENDFEST to become an annual event. Members and their families all agreed that this really was an inclusive event!  Please click on the link to see some footage from the day.

The day before our meeting, two members, Charlotte and Isaac, joined Dawn and I at the SEND Forum, for schools, along with Heidi from the DRAGONS (Disability Real Action Group of Norfolk).  They spoke confidently to attendees about why they joined the groups and their personal goals and achievements. They demonstrated the benefits of participation, and speaking up on behalf of other young people with SEND!  The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and they really were fantastic ambassadors for the Forum and the Dragons! 

In the meeting this month we were joined by Michelle from the Healthy Child Programme, who provided an update about the development of the Just One Norfolk website and specifically how members feedback is helping to shape a new page specifically targeting young people.
Health Advice & Support for Children - Just One Norfolk

We were also joined, for the first time by Amy Hanton, Designated Social Care Officer at NCC and her colleague Jemma.  They shared an Easy Read Document explaining their roles and sought feedback.  Our  members were honest and robust in their responses and were able to identify information which required more explanation, or simply to be presented differently!  It has been agreed changes will be made to the document based on what members have said, and we will review it with the changes, at our next face to face meeting on 15th July at County Hall.