We’re calling on children with SEND, their families and the professionals who work with them to get involved with the Norfolk SEND survey.
Last year 1,203 people responded giving us lots of valuable information about your experiences and what matters to you most. Please help us again this year. We’re particularly keen to hear from more children and young people.
This year’s survey is easy, can be completed anonymously and should only take around 15 minutes.
It is divided into three separate sets of questions for each of these groups: children and young people aged 8-25; parents and carers with children and young people aged 0-25; and professionals working with children and young people aged 0-25.
The survey is open until Friday 30 June. Find it at www.norfolk.gov.uk/sendsurvey
“Just as last year SENDIASS are pleased to have worked in coproduction with different services, organisations and individuals to help develop this survey. This is a great opportunity for children, young people, parent, carers and professionals to use their voice to inform and influence improvements in SEND in Norfolk.”

Niamh Keane, Norfolk SENDIASS Manager


Read more in the Norfolk Local Offer's press release