If so, by 15th February you should receive a letter called a ‘final amendment notice’ from the Local Authority naming the new school. If you are not happy with the school named on the final amendment notice you have the right to appeal. You can appeal the placement and/or the wording in the EHCP regarding their needs (section B) and/or provision (section F.) When you receive the amendment notice you should also receive a copy of the EHCP. If you do not receive this, then you can request a copy from your Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) co-ordinator.

Remember the EHCP should be specific (clear) and quantified (how much /type of support your child will have).  If you are unhappy with the EHCP, speak with your EHCP Co-ordinator to talk over the changes you would like to make, as you may find they agree with your changes.

If you are still in disagreement, then you can appeal to the SEND Tribunal. If you have an EHCP and you are appealing sections B (educational needs), F (educational provision) as well as section I (placement) then you will have to consider mediation first before you appeal. You will then be issued with a mediation certificate. You then must lodge your appeal within two months of the amendment notice or one month of the mediation certificate, whichever is the later date.

A young person moving to further education should receive their amendment notice by 31st March and again they would have the right to appeal if they are not happy with their EHCP/placement as above.

We are holding a Tribunal Workshop on the 25th April. For more information and to book your place CLICK HERE.